April 4, 2022

Call for applications for aid to support productive and technological investments. INFO

1577 Extract from the Resolution of 28 March 2022, of the President of the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, on the call for aid aimed at supporting productive and technological investments.

With the following characteristics: 

1.Non-repayable grant with a maximum intensity of 40% for small enterprises and 30% for medium-sized enterprises on eligible costs, and a maximum amount per beneficiary of 50.000 €.

2. Investment not started before the submission of the application.

3.Minimum investment of €50,000.

Eligible or eligible costs: The purchase of new tangible productive assets from third parties, excluding purchases from group companies or related parties. Excluded are the purchase of land, buildings, external transport elements and civil works (plumbing and lighting installations are considered civil works).

5. Deadline for submission from 5 to 22 April 2022.

6.The grant application form is available in the standard forms provided at www.institutofomentomurcia. es/infodirecto


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