Thanks to the Programme of support for Technology Centres for the acquisition of scientific-technological equipment for smart specialisation, which the Regional Ministry of Employment, Universities, Enterprise and the Environment published in August 2018, CTCON will be able to acquire a series of laboratory equipment to complete and advance its Bituminous Mixes research line. This new equipment will enable characterisation tests to be carried out on bituminous binders (bitumens and emulsions), equipment for manufacturing and carrying out characterisation tests on bituminous mixtures and other equipment that will enable the thermoelectric characterisation of different types of bituminous mixtures.
This call for aid, published by the Regional Ministry of Employment, Universities, Enterprise and Environment and regulated by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia aimed at technology centres in the Region of Murcia for the acquisition of scientific-technological equipment for intelligent specialisation, co-financed by the European Development Fund, has awarded a LOST FUND GRANT to the project presented by CTCON of 90% of the eligible investment or expenditure, amounting to 195.195,821.90 Euros, co-financed by 80%, (i.e. up to 156,657.52 Euros), by the ERDF Global Grant of which the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia is an intermediate body.
The grant awarded is foreseen in the Global Grant by Commission Decision C(2015)3408, approving the operational programme of Community intervention European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2014-2020 under the Investment and Growth and Jobs objective, in the CARM as a Qualified Region in Transition.