August 2, 2024

INFO Grants - Call for productive and technological investment grants for SMEs

The call for SMEs for the Support Programme for Productive and Technological Investments, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is now open.


SMEs with a corporate form, in any sector of activity except those engaged in fisheries, aquaculture, primary production of agricultural products listed in Annex I of the Treaty, and in the steel, coal, shipbuilding, synthetic fibres, transport and related infrastructure and research sectors, which carry out an eligible investment in the territory of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.


The purpose of this call for applications, in accordance with the competitive tendering system provided for in Chapter I, Title I of Law 7/2005, of 18 November, on Subsidies of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, is to call for applications for aid aimed at supporting productive and technological investments.

Regulatory bases:

Order of 28 March 2023 of the Regional Ministry of Enterprise, Social Economy and the Self-Employed, approving the regulatory bases for the support programme for Productive and Technological Investments co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), BORM no. 82 of 11 April 2023.


The maximum appropriation available for this call is FOUR MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND EUROS (4.500.000 €) under budget line 1607.771E.75001 for 2024.

This appropriation will be financed up to 60%, or at a higher co-financing rate if agreed, with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), i.e. up to TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED THOUSAND EUROS (2.700.000 €), allocated to the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, under the Programme Region of Murcia ERDF 2021-2027 (Specific Objective EO 1.3).

Amount and intensity of the grant:

Non-repayable grant with a maximum intensity of 50% for small enterprises and 40% for medium-sized enterprises on eligible costs, and a maximum amount per beneficiary of €50,000.

Eligible costs:

The acquisition of new tangible assets (including transport and packaging costs) from third parties, excluding acquisitions from group companies or related parties.

Excluded are the purchase of: Land, buildings, civil works (except for those strictly necessary for the start-up of the new equipment), training expenses, per diem and travel expenses for the start-up of the new equipment.

The project must have a minimum eligible investment of EUR 100,000.

Submission and deadline:

The grant application form is available in the standard forms provided at the address: and may be submitted from 9.00 a.m. on the day after the publication of the extract of this call for applications up to a maximum of two months from the date of publication of the extract of the call for applications.

All the information here:

If you are interested in the call for Pymes Autónomos y Pymes Comunidades de Bienes, of aid for productive and technological investments, the application form is available in the standard forms provided at the address:

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