The purpose of this communication is to present the provisional results of the R&D project ULTRAPAV supported by CDTI and European FEDER funds, executed by Pavasal Empresa Constructora S.A., and Centro Tecnológico de la Construcción R. Murcia - CTCON,
The ASEFMA Technical Committee announces the six papers that will be included in the programme of the XV ASEFMA National Conferencethe first to be held in VR/3D virtual mode. This event, which is already an international benchmark in the field of asphalt and paving, will be held exclusively online on 1 and 2 December 2020 under the motto "....Sustainability, circular economy and waste management: milling from asphalt pavements".
The six papers that will be presented during the day and will compete for the prize for the "best free communication" are:
- Asfalthin project: our experience with ultra-thin mixes. Sections of worksby Marisol Barral (Campezo), Francisco Guisado (REPSOL) and Javier Loma (PADECASA) ? PDF DOWNLOAD
- Asfalthin project: experiences and recommendations for ultra-thin asphalt mixess; Marisol Barral (Campezo), Francisco Guisado (REPSOL) and Javier Loma (PADECASA)? PDF DOWNLOAD
- High performance, sustainable and safe flooring "ULTRAPAV".by José Ramón López (Pavasal), Rebeca Sastre (Pavasal), Julio López (R. Murcia - CTCON) and Gloria Motos (R. Murcia - CTCON) ? PDF DOWNLOAD
- Technological solution for low-cost pavement quality and deterioration monitoring and automatic pavement maintenance management PAV-DT; de Pablo Álvarez (Becsa), Mireia Balleser (Becsa), MªPilar Peiró (Becsa), Francisco José Vea (Becsa), Ernesto Colomer (UPV), Miriam Labrado (UPV), Julia Irene Real (UPV) ? PDF DOWNLOAD
- The recycled 100% road; by Nuria Uguet (Eurovia Management Spain), Teresa Marín (Eurovia Management Spain), Alfonso Pérez (Eurovia Management Spain), Yannick Marquet (Eurovia), Olivier Petry (Eurovia), Jacques-Antoine Decamps (Eurovia) and Nathalie Paquet (Eurovia) ? PDF DOWNLOAD
- Shear strength of the bituminous interlayer joint; by Jorge Ortiz (ARNÓ), Rodrigo Miró (UPC) and Xavier Grisén (ARNÓ) ? PDF DOWNLOAD
The authors of the six selected papers will be entitled to make a 10-minute oral presentation during the third session of the conference. XV ASEFMA National ConferenceThis year's event focuses on asphalt pavement milling and is sponsored by Galp y Repsol. The oral communications, as well as the entire day, can be followed on the ITAFEC online platform in HD streaming mode or from the VR/3D virtual world The event will feature a main auditorium, exhibition area and private networking areas, among others.
These six papers have been selected from among eighteen technical papers accepted and presented for this 15th National Conference, all of which are of high technical quality and interest to the sector and which will be published in the final proceedings of the congress.