June 28, 2023

ECOCEM, development of hydraulic binders with a near-zero carbon footprint based on geopolymers.

Aim of the project

Cementos Cruz is leading a new research project in collaboration with Murcian companies. Bortubo y Urdecon Constructions. The fundamental objective is to development of near-zero carbon footprint hydraulic binders from geopolymers

In the manufacturing process of these new products will drastically reduce the energy consumption and the CO2 emissionscompared to concreteThis will also lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption and considerable cost savings.

These innovative materials are also highly resistant to certain environments, making them more efficient than current materials.

This new project is therefore a further demonstration of the commitment of Cementos Cruz with the innovation and the environmentworking for a more sustainable future.

Finally, it should be noted that it has a budget of 1.200.000 €, has obtained a grant from CDTI in relation to the call for proposals. Feder Innterconecta 2018.