The University of Alicante is hosting, on Friday 20 July 2018 in the Multi-purpose Hall of the Museum of the University of Alicante (MUA) the II edition of the Pre-CONPAT Congress in Spain organised by the Asociación Latinoamericana de Control de Calidad, Patología y Recuperación de la Construcción de España. "Advances in Quality Control, Pathology and Recovery of Construction" is the specific title of the meeting, which will include the participation as guest speakers of professionals and professors of recognised prestige in Spain. In addition, PhD students from Spain and Latin America will present their latest research advances in the congress theme.
Throughout the morning, six experts in the field of Civil Engineering The afternoon will focus on two poster sessions.
Rafael Muñoz Guillena, vice-rector of Campus and Technology of the UA, will open the Congress at 9:00 am in the Multipurpose Hall of the MUA. The President of ALCONPAT International, Carmen Andrade, the President of ALCONPAT Spain, Pedro Garcés, and the coordinator of the Second Pre-Conpat 18-Spain, Miguel Ángel Climent, will also take part in the opening ceremony. Juan Andrés Montoyo, director of the Polytechnic School of the UA will close the Congress at 17.30.
The event is sponsored by the companies and institutions CEMEX, MAPEI, ECISA, and the PhD Programme in Materials, Structures and Ground Engineering: Sustainable Construction of the UA.
The first edition of the Congress took place in Madrid, at the Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción, in December 2016.
Venue: Museum of the University of Alicante (MUA). University of Alicante
Registration fee: 150 Euros (including documentation, coffee and lunch)
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