June 28, 2023

3D printing in concrete of the Arch of San Pedro de las Dueñas

Aim of the project

The Arco de las Dueñas, a Romanesque arch 2.2 metres high and 3.3 metres wide, dating from the 12th century, is one of the most emblematic elements of the Romanesque collection of the National Archaeological Museum, which combines both architecture and sculpture.

The reproduction of the work has been made using an innovative 3D printing technique in concrete with D-Shape technology. The durability of the material means that, for the first time, an architectural reproduction suitable for outdoor use in various weather conditions has been achieved.


3D printing or additive manufacturing makes it possible to create a three-dimensional object by superimposing successive layers of material. This technique makes it possible to produce highly complex parts from digital 3D models.

Applied to construction, 3D printing makes it possible to digitise construction processes, making it possible to manufacture parts with a complex geometry and design without the need for moulds, and to automate and increase productivity in construction environments.