With almost fifty associated companies, the Construction Technology Centre of the Region of Murcia (CTCON) has been working since 2003 to ensure that the Region of Murcia has a leading sector in innovation, research and development. CTCON, chaired by Antonio Navarro Mompeán, is involved in a total of 18 research projects, including 'Life Heatland', which, in the fight against climate change in cities, seeks to minimise the effect of urban heat with cold asphalt.
In view of the health crisis we are currently experiencing, Navarro confesses that the current uncertainty means that we do not know what will happen in the coming years. He has called for the support and collaboration of the administrations, especially in view of the new European framework programme for R&D&I, which begins in 2021. Murcian companies have to be there and count on our full support, as it is possibly "the biggest aid package that has ever been presented", he explained.
CTCON is an association linked to the Regional Federation of Construction Businessmen of Murcia (FRECOM), of which Navarro Mompeán is vice-president for Quality and Innovation.
What is the role of the Construction Technology Centre?
The Technology Centre is a non-profit business association that seeks to improve the competitiveness of companies in the construction sector, through research, development and innovation and the provision of technological services with high added value. At CTCON we work to ensure that development and research into new technologies, new products and new production processes benefit companies in the region, making them more innovative and more competitive.
Who are the members of CTCON?
It is made up of 47 companies from different subsectors of the construction sector. Aggregate companies, concrete manufacturers, cement companies, precast concrete, bituminous mix manufacturers, paint manufacturers, construction companies... The size of these companies varies widely, from large construction companies to SMEs with no more than 10 workers. Even so, it is not necessary for a company to be a member in order to work with CTCON. Our main objective is to help companies in the construction sector in the Region of Murcia to improve.
What projects is the Centre working on?
We have four main areas of work. The Cement-Based Materials area, in which we research new cements, concretes, mortars, prefabricated materials, etc.; the Bituminous Mixtures and Emulsions area; the Energy and Insulation area; and the Digital Construction area, to adapt to new technologies. In all of them, we work from the point of view of improving the properties of materials, to make them more ecological, eco-efficient or more durable, for example. It is also committed to the development of new materials, new and more efficient construction systems, as well as the incorporation of new information and communication technologies in the sector. Work is currently being carried out on 18 research projects, most of them for companies, within the framework of the four areas of action.
One of the projects that is having an important international impact is 'Life Heatland'. This project, which works with the company CHM, the city council of Murcia, FRECOM and the Slovenian Construction Cluster, has developed a pilot experience of a cold pavement to mitigate the heat island effect in cities, developed in the city of Murcia. We are devoting all our efforts and hope to validate that the new pavement will reduce the temperature in cities by 1.5 to 2 degrees. This is undoubtedly an innovative project in the fight against climate change in cities.
On a national and international level, where do construction companies in the Region of Murcia stand?
At the national level, we have some very professional and well-managed companies in the region that are in charge of very important projects. They work in various parts of Spain, competing with and winning contracts from larger national companies with a strong international presence. At the international level and before the last crisis in 2008, we had several companies that, in their portfolio of works, were already repeatedly awarded contracts at the international level. At the moment this is an area where we still have a long way to go, despite the difficulties, but we continue to make progress.
What is the regional and national investment in research for the sector?
Investment in the Region of Murcia R&D was 0.97% of GDP in 2018, far from communities such as the Basque Country (1.96%) or Madrid (1.71%), and below the national average (1.24%). Despite these figures, since the last crisis, the level of investment in R&D in the region has been increasing, albeit slightly. However, the same is not true of the investment figures at national level, where it can be seen that investment in our sector has been decreasing. It is clear that construction is not at the forefront of research and development, but it is a very active and collaborative sector in the fight for innovation.
What resources does CTCON work with?
We are a young research centre, with limited material resources, but with a great human potential made up of 14 people (two doctors and 10 university graduates), who develop the projects we have underway. We also have our own facilities in the Polígono La Estrella (Molina de Segura), with 3 very complete laboratories: the Concrete and Precast Concrete Laboratory; the Bituminous Mixtures Laboratory and the Raw Materials Laboratory. Although the resources we have are scarce, the reality is that they are very innovative equipment for our research. Our objective is to continue to grow, to increase personnel, projects and material resources.
Do you think that investment in R&D&I is still the great forgotten area?
Yes, of course, but not only in the construction sector, but in all sectors. The development of any society is linked to the technological development of its companies. For this reason, investment in R&D in a country or a region cannot and should not be the sole task of companies. Companies and administrations must work together to promote R&D&I. At CTCON we are aware that change is not immediate, but we have seen that companies that did not invest in R&D have soon seen the differentiation in the sector, the added value and the great economic benefit for their businesses. This has led them to see innovation in a different way and to start preparing to implement it.
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting the sector?
Due to the situation we are experiencing, the paralysis of public works and the shortage of private supply is generating an uncertain period for the entire sector. This uncertainty is compounded by the possible interruptions to work that may occur as a result of the outbreaks that are emerging. The coming months will be full of uncertainty, so we will have to be very attentive to the development of events in order to react responsibly and in the best possible way. It is everyone's responsibility to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate further.
Do you think that after this crisis, investments in innovation and development will be boosted?
What will happen in the coming years is, more than ever, difficult to predict. The reality is that to get out of the crisis we need not to double, but to triple investment in R&D. This is the only measure that can help to empower, improve and strengthen our companies in a market where competition will be fierce. It is the only measure that can help to boost, improve and strengthen our companies in a market where competition is going to be fierce. Being more competitive than other countries, technologically and economically, is what can really help us to sell more and better. However, without the help and commitment of the administrations it is impossible. In 2021, a new European framework programme for R&D&I begins, possibly the biggest aid package ever presented. Murcian companies have to be there and, for this, the Construction Technology Centre will also be there to provide all the support, collaboration and advice they need. It is going to be a unique opportunity that we cannot miss.