Atecyr Región de Murcia organises a star conference on "New milestones of the future CTE, nearly zero energy buildings, case studies and trends in the different climate zones". On the day:
- will present the modifications that the Basic Document on Energy Saving has undergone and the technical solutions that can be adopted in the design of buildings, both new and refurbishment, to achieve the new legislative thresholds and thus obtain the nZEB buildings.
- the new energy indicators proposed in the document and how they relate to the current energy certification indicators will be analysed.
- the importance of the implementation of different renewable energy sources, photovoltaic solar energy, and of making conventional technical systems more efficient will be discussed.
The conference will be opened by Javier Celdrán Lorente, Regional Minister of Employment, Universities, Enterprise and Environment of the Region of Murcia, and closed by Esther Marín Gómez, Director General of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity of the Region of Murcia.
Free assistance.
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