June 28, 2023

CTCON and its innovative approach to combat the detrimental effects of Urban Heat Islands

Aim of the project

As reported in several media, recent studies once again affirm the health consequences of the Urban Heat Island effect. This increasingly challenging phenomenon occurs when urban areas experience significantly higher temperatures than the surrounding rural areas. At CTCON, we are tackling numerous studies with an innovative approach to combat the detrimental effects of this effect. 

There are several effective solutions to combat the phenomenon of Urban Heat Islands such as: cool or reflective roofs, green roofs, reflective surfaces, urban green spaces or smart irrigation systems, among others. 

Reflective pavements reduce heat absorption, thus lowering the temperature of city streets and pavements. One of our key projects that has had the greatest impact is the project Life Heatlandwhich has demonstrated the mitigation of the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect through the use of an innovative reflective pavement.

On the other hand, at CTCON we have worked on cool roof and façade solutions which, by increasing solar reflectance, help to reduce both the temperature inside buildings and in the surrounding area, thus reducing the need for air conditioning and the thermal load in cities.

Another solution that has been investigated by CTCON is green façades; these vegetation systems not only provide attractive landscaping, but also act as natural thermal insulators, reducing the temperature of buildings and their surroundings. Green roofs also help to filter the air, reduce water run-off and promote biodiversity in urban areas.

It is important to note that at CTCON we not only focus on project implementation, but also on the awareness raising and education in the community. Workshops and informative talks have been organised to inform people about the health effects of heat islands and the importance of taking measures to combat them.

Combating the Urban Heat Island effect requires an integrated approach. multidisciplinary and innovative solutions. CTCON seeks to address this challenge through research, sustainable urban design and the implementation of advanced technologies. 

Thanks to these advances, we can look forward to cooler, more sustainable and healthier cities in the future.