June 28, 2023

New CTCON facilities

Aim of the project

Today we have moved to our new facilities in the Industrial Park "La Estrella" in Molina de Segura, C/Sol, 16 nave 2.

These new 900m2 facilities have 450m2 of office space (on 2 floors) and 650m2 for our materials, asphalt, concrete and energy and acoustics research laboratories. These new facilities, which CTCON is opening this week, offer more possibilities for companies in the sector to boost their R&D&I activities. In addition, they will enable the dissemination of the technology centre to be boosted, a key objective for this year.

The purchase of the warehouse has been possible thanks to a guarantee granted by the SGR AVALAM, and with an aid for the costs of the guarantee by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

We look forward to showing you the potential of these new facilities.