January 16, 2024

CAETRA PROJECT - Dual Technologies Promotion Programme

The INFO has designed and implemented the CAETRA projecta programme to boost dual technologiesfor civil and military use, in the fields of defence, security and reconstruction.

Within the framework of this programme, our colleague Jorge Martínez attended the day for the presentation of the programmes of aids INFO CHALLENGES y CAETRA SERVICESwhich was chaired by the Mayoress of CartagenaNoelia Arroyo, the director of the Instituto de Fomento (Info)Joaquín Gómez and the president of COECAna Correa.

At the presentation made by the head of the department of business innovation of INFO, Antonio Romero, it was detailed that the CAETRA Challenges Programme poses challenges in which the army, the emergency services and the National Police have collaborated.

The subsidies 30,000 and the application period starts on 23 January 2024, extending over a period of two months.

Eligible costs cover various aspects, including personnel, with subcontracting allowed up to 60%. One of the funding lines focuses on critical infrastructure monitoring.

In relation to the award criteria, the technical quality of the proposals, the experience of the team and the size of the company will be evaluated. It should be noted that no specific certification is required to participate in these challenges.

With regard to the CAETRA service programmewill be inaugurated on 1 April 2024, offering financial support for the approval of companies. As an example, the maximum assistance for participation in international tenders is €20,000.