June 28, 2023


Aim of the project

"Functional elements for construction using plant waste from the Region of Murcia and polyurethanes from renewable sources". 

The general objective of the project is to develop biocomposite formulations based on polyurethanes from renewable sources and biodegradable vegetable fibres that are abundant in the Region of Murcia. These biocomposites should have a high degree of biodegradability or recyclability and will be applied to the construction sector. 
Specific technical objectives: 
? Use of polyols from renewable sources. ? Compatibilisation of plant fibres and polyurethanes. ? Flame retardant additives in polyurethane formulations. ? Use of plant waste from the Region of Murcia. ? Biodegradability and recyclability of the formulations. ? Adaptation of the mechanical and physical characteristics of the biocomposites to materials suitable for decorative systems, insulation, sound-absorbing panels, or structural parts in the construction sector. 
Expected results: 
The aim is to obtain at the end of the project: ? A polyol and isocyanate system with a higher percentage of renewable sources. ? A fast and efficient method for the compatibilisation of plant fibres and polyurethanes. ? A biocomposite made from polyurethane and vegetable fibres with a flame retardant character and a high degree of biodegradability. ? A commercial outlet for vegetable fibres from the Region of Murcia, such as those from almond shells or rice husks. ? Materials suitable for decorative systems, thermal and acoustic insulation, sound-absorbing panels or structural parts in the construction sector.  
This project is financed through a grant from the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia aimed at the Technological Centres of the Region of Murcia, Modality 1: R&D Projects, co-financed by 80% by the ERDF global grant.