June 28, 2023


Aim of the project

The construction sector has a major impact on global warming due to the large volumes of materials it manages and the amount of energy it consumes, making it a fundamental pillar in the development of a circular and sustainable economy, where resources are reused to create a zero waste society.

The main objective of the PLASTIFOAM project is to evaluate, both from a technical and environmental point of view, the development of low-temperature bituminous mixes with foamed bitumens modified with plastic waste, thus contributing to the development of a sustainable economy.

With the implementation of this project, we can contribute to benefits for both the construction sector and society, as the development will enhance the circular economy and sustainability through the incorporation of polymeric plastic waste, the management of which is currently an environmental problem.

To date, the use of plastic waste in the manufacture of low temperature asphalt mixes by modifying bitumens, and more specifically in the foamed state, has not been studied, most studies being oriented towards the use of plastic waste as a constituent of the mineral granular fraction part of these mixes.

This project is therefore a major contribution to the development of a sustainable economy thanks to the energy savings it offers and the recovery of this type of waste, which is so problematic at present.

This project is financed by a grant from the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, part of the support programme for Technology Centres in the Region of Murcia for carrying out non-economic R&D activities, Modality 1: Independent R&D projects, co-financed by 80% with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).