June 28, 2023


Aim of the project

"Design and prediction of the skid resistance of asphalt road pavements". 

The general objective of the project is to implement a laboratory test - Wehner & Schulze method, in order to design asphalt mixes with anti-slip characteristics and predict their long-term behaviour by simulating the action of traffic. The use of aggregates from the Region of Murcia will be optimised and the use of recycled material and mineral waste will be promoted. 
Specific technical objectives: 
? Implementation of a test to measure the coefficient of slip resistance (CRT) in the laboratory according to the UNE-EN 1697-49 standard. ? Predicting how asphalt pavements will perform in terms of long-term anti-slip performance. ? To increase the use of porphyritic aggregates from the Region of Murcia for anti-slip pavements, with new products whose use has been limited to date. ? To reduce the production of waste in porphyry aggregate quarries. ? To predict the maintenance and conservation of the main roads in the Region of Murcia. 
Expected results: 
The aim is to obtain formulations in the laboratory of asphalt mixes with excellent anti-slip performance by optimising the use of aggregates from the Region of Murcia, promoting the use of recycled materials and quarry waste. The dosages will be designed taking into account the rate of heavy traffic on the road where it will be used. 
We will also obtain data on the service life of the most important roads in the region with optimum skid resistance by carrying out laboratory tests on cores extracted from the road surface. 
This project is financed through a grant from the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia aimed at the Technological Centres of the Region of Murcia, Modality 1: R&D Projects, co-financed by 80% by the ERDF global grant.