OTRI area

Alert, information and dissemination of relevant interest for the construction sector, on regulations, legislation, grants and subsidies as well as surveillance and technological diffusion, industrial property, to promote the development and growth of the sector.


The Technological Center of the Construction Region of Murcia, through its OTRI department, offers companies information of great interest related to multiple aspects that need constant updating, such as:

1. Information on regulations: Consultation of the most important standards that must be present in every project, validity of the provisions and aspects covered. The regulations that can be consulted are: Technical Building Code, EHE, Technological Standards of the Building, ISO, Basic Building Standard, General State Standard, UNE Standards, CE Marking.

2. Information on current legislation:
Legal Provisions, Regulations, Tender Documents, Instructions that affect the construction sector in the regional, national and international scope, Information and advice on Aid and Subsidies: Calls at the regional, national and international levels.

3. Technological consultations:

Search service information in different sources.
Alerts adjusted to a certain profile.
Consultation of scientific and technological innovations relevant to the sector.

4. Information to companies about conferences, fairs and conferences of interest to the sector.

This tool allows companies in the construction sector to identify their technological needs and their opportunities for innovation, so that they are able to design and develop R & D & I projects, with the collaboration of other agents of the Innovation System (Centers Technological, Universities, etc.).

1. Ac-hoc service:
Any service required by an associate that is related to the search and dissemination of information.

2. Regular Technology Dissemination Service:
Information service that new associates receive on a regular basis without having to make a request:

QUINCENAL ELECTRONIC BULLETIN: Includes news, Bibliographic news, Events, Offers and Technological Demands, Aids and Subsidies of Interest, Patents and Utility Models, etc. We also highlight the latest news in the sector with information on courses, workshops, workshops, colloquia, etc.
BULLETIN EXPRESS: Bulletin launched with current information and with urgent character for companies in the construction sector.

3. Technological Surveillance Service:

Sectoral VT reports: it is responsible for monitoring scientific and technical advances, products and services, manufacturing processes, materials and their chains of transformation, technologies and information systems, legislation and regulations, the economy, etc. at the request of the contracting company.
Reports on the State of the Art: Reports alert on any scientific or technical innovation likely to create opportunities and threats for the sector.

Technology Transfer is a mechanism for the propagation of capabilities. The objective of the collaborations for transfer of technology is to promote the development and growth of the various sectors of society through access to knowledge and experience of groups and entities of research, innovation and technological development.

For this, we offer companies:

  • Advice, search and solution to technological demands.
  • Search for partners for projects and other research and innovation actions: cooperative projects.
  • Search for funding for research, development and innovation projects.
  • Dissemination of the CTCON Scientific-Technological Offer.
  • Information and advice on Industrial and Intellectual Property.
  • Identification of transferable scientific-technical knowledge.
In our Documentary Fund and Library, you can find all kinds of information about the Construction Sector. For this, we offer companies the following services:

1. Specific library service.

With books about the sector that you can access through our website.
Spanish and international specialized magazines about construction.
Specialized articles on the different areas of knowledge within the construction sector.

2. Loan service.

Prestómo of monographs belonging to the CTCON Library.