This programme aims to promote the industrial research and experimental development activities of SMEs through the acquisition of scientific and technological equipment, related to the creation of a new establishment, or the expansion of the capacity of an existing establishment.
Conditions of aid:
Non-repayable grant of up to 45% of the eligible budget. This budget must be a minimum of 50,000 euros and may reach a maximum of 400,000 euros.
- Not having started the project or investment before the date of submission of the application.
- The scientific-technological equipment will be intended to promote the company's R&D activities and must be located in a productive work centre in the Region of Murcia.
- Projects must be technically, economically and financially viable.
- Investments must be maintained for three years from the completion of the project under consideration.
- Minimum contribution of the beneficiary of 25% of the project funding.
- The applicant company must accredit at the time of formulating its application that it has qualified technical personnel with a university degree in accordance with the R&D activities to be undertaken, and if not, its commitment to contract them during the period of carrying out the subsidised investments.
- Under no circumstances will projects for the acquisition of scientific-technological equipment for R&D activities normally carried out by the company and which constitute its corporate purpose, production or marketing activity be subsidised.
Eligible costs:
New tangible and intangible assets of scientific and technological equipment, acquired from third parties, excluding acquisitions from group companies or related parties, for exclusive and permanent use, for the performance of R&D activities, without productive capacity.
Deadline for applications:
From 13 May to 11 July 2019