July 11, 2021

Bases reguladoras, Ayudas a proyectos de I+D+i en el ámbito de la industria conectada 4.0. (Activa_Financiación).


Bases regulating the granting, on a competitive basis, of aid for research and development projects, as well as innovation projects in terms of organisation and processes that contribute to the digital transformation of industrial companies and to the improvement of their environmental sustainability as a result of their digitalisation.


Eligible for the aid provided for in this Order are companies with their own legal personality, legally incorporated in Spain and duly registered in the corresponding register, irrespective of their size, which carry out an industrial activity and which do not form part of the public sector.

In the case of applications under the Activa-Pymes line, only commercial companies that meet the definition of an SME are eligible.

Lines of action.

Applications shall be submitted to one of the following action lines:

1. Activa-Pymes: Projects carried out by small and medium-sized companies

2.Active-Large implementations: Projects carried out by any type of company

Thematic priorities.

Projects must be intended for implementation in the manufacturing industry and must fit at least one of the following thematic priorities:

1. Platforms for interconnecting the enterprise value chain.

2. Solutions for advanced data processing.

3. Artificial intelligence solutions.

4.Industrial simulation projects.

5.Design and additive manufacturing.

6.Augmented reality, virtual reality and artificial vision projects.

7.Collaborative and cognitive robotics.


Types of projects.

Industrial research, experimental development, organisational and process innovation projects are eligible for support.

Limits and maximum aid intensities.

1.The total financing to be granted, nominal loan plus grant, shall be a maximum of 80 per cent of the bankable budget,

2.The maximum amount of aid to be awarded in the form of a grant shall be as follows:

  • 50 % of the eligible budget in the case of small enterprises.
  • 20 % of the eligible budget in the case of medium-sized enterprises.
  • 5 % of the eligible budget in the case of large enterprises.

3.The nominal amount of the loan to be granted shall be limited in accordance with the following limits:

  • The company's Cumulative Outstanding Risk with the DGIPYME may not exceed 5 times the entity's own funds in the last closed financial year;
  • The amount of the loan to be granted may not exceed the average turnover in the last two financial years for which the accounts have been closed;

4.The following ceilings apply to the amount of aid granted:

a) Active Action Line - Large-scale implementations:

i.For predominantly industrial research projects, EUR 20.000.000 per undertaking and project. In the case of a Eureka project or a project carried out by a Joint Undertaking, this limit will be EUR 40.000.000 per undertaking per project.

ii.For predominantly experimental development projects, EUR 15.000.000 per undertaking per project. In the case of a Eureka project or a project carried out by a Joint Undertaking, this limit will be EUR 30.000.000 per undertaking per project.

iii.For organisational and process innovation projects, EUR 7,500,000 per company per project.

b) Activa-Pymes action line: EUR 200 000 per company for the period of three fiscal years.

5.The aid intensity of the loans granted must be expressed in terms of their gross grant equivalent. The interest rate to be used both for the calculation of the discount rate and for the calculation of the aid amount itself must be, respectively, the discount rate and the reference rate applicable at the time of grant,

6.The aid granted under the Activa-Pymes line will be considered de minimis aid and the maximum gross intensity will be 50 % of the eligible cost of the project.

7.Aid granted under the Activa-Grand Implementations line, and according to the types of projects, shall respect the following maximum gross aid intensities:

  Maximum gross aid intensities in the form of equivalent gross grant to beneficiaries
Types of projects Non-SMEs Medium-sized companies Small and micro enterprises
Industrial research projects. Up to 50 % of the eligible cost of the project. Up to 60 % of the eligible cost of the project. Up to 70 % of the eligible cost of the project.
Experimental development projects. Up to 25 % of the eligible cost of the project. Up to 35 % of the eligible cost of the project. Up to 45 % of the eligible cost of the project.
Organisational and process innovation projects. Up to 15 % of the eligible cost of the project. Up to 50 % of the eligible cost of the project. Up to 50 % of the eligible cost of the project.

The aid intensity for industrial research and experimental development projects may be increased by 15 percentage points, up to a maximum of 80 %

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