November 25, 2021

Call for applications for advance processing of aid to technology centres in the Region of Murcia, aimed at carrying out research and development activities in the Region of Murcia.


Technology Centres, which meet the following requirements:

(a) they have the status of SMEs as defined in Annex I of Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014.

b) They are private business associations.

(c) they are validly constituted at the time of submission of the aid application.

d) That they carry out non-economic activities within the geographical area of the Region of Murcia, through a work centre in the Region of Murcia.

e) That they have the status of a research and knowledge dissemination body and in the existing and potential sectors of the Region of Murcia, as reflected in the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3Mur),, provided that they fall within the subject matter, requirements and eligible costs of the specific programme annexed to the regulatory order.

Eligible costs:


For each of the independent R&D projects, the maximum eligible budget is set at 150,000 euros and the minimum at 50,000 euros.

The following costs will be considered as eligible costs in this Modality 1:

a) The direct costs of research personnel and personnel carrying out technical tasks in the subsidised projects, who have an employment contract with the beneficiary centre certified by the labour authority and who pay social security contributions under the general scheme as employees. The calculation will be based on gross salary plus compulsory social security contributions payable by the centre for the time spent on the project.

(b) The criterion for charging indirect costs shall be a flat rate of 25% of eligible direct costs excluding the costs of contractual research, knowledge and patents acquired or licensed from external sources on an arm's length basis, as well as the costs of consultancy and equivalent services intended exclusively for subsidised projects.

(c) costs of contractual research, knowledge and patents acquired or licensed from external sources on an arm's length basis, as well as the costs of consultancy and equivalent services used exclusively for the projects supported.

d) Depreciation costs corresponding to investments in experimental equipment and for the development of pre-competitive prototypes associated with R&D projects, as well as special adaptations necessary for their installation.

(e) Training of technical and research personnel linked to the supported independent R&D projects with a maximum of 10% of the eligible direct personnel costs.

f) Expenditure on materials used in the project (raw materials and other supplies) used in the implementation of the subsidised independent R&D projects up to a maximum of 15% of the eligible direct personnel costs.

(g) Travel, subsistence, accommodation and locomotion costs related to supported independent R&D projects up to a maximum of 10% of the eligible direct personnel costs.


The following costs will be considered as eligible costs in this Modality 2:

a) The direct costs of research personnel and personnel carrying out technical tasks in the activities presented, who have an employment contract with the beneficiary centre certified by the labour authority and who are employed under the general social security system. The calculation will be based on gross salary plus compulsory Social Security contributions payable by the Centre for the time spent on the project.

(b) The criterion for charging indirect costs shall be a flat rate of 15% of the eligible direct personnel costs.

c) Depreciation costs for non-material investments (especially software) related to technology watch and competitive intelligence.

(d) travel, subsistence, accommodation and locomotion costs linked to the supported actions of the Programme up to a maximum of 10% of the eligible direct personnel costs.

e) The following expenses associated with the holding of regional, national or international events for the dissemination and transfer of knowledge:

- Organisational services: technical secretariat and dynamisation of the event.

- Communication and design services: dissemination and promotion of the event.

- Contracting the services of speakers.

- Technical support for the event: rental of equipment for the event.

The period for carrying out the subsidised activity or project shall be between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2022.


The maximum available credit available for the call for applications for advance processing of aid from the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia for carrying out R&D activities of a non-economic nature is four million four hundred thousand euros (€4,400,000.00), charged to the budget of the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia for 2022 and 2023, in accordance with the following estimated distribution:

Annuality 2022:

Modality 1 "Independent R&D projects": €3,600,000.

Modality 2 "Programme of non-economic actions to support R&D": €360,000.

Annuality 2023:

Modality 1 "Independent R&D projects": €400,000.

Modality 2 "Programme of non-economic actions to support R&D": €40,000.

This appropriation will be financed up to 80% with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), i.e. up to three million five hundred and twenty thousand euros (€3 520 000.00), allocated to the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia under the global grant established by Commission Decision C(2015) 3408.

Amount of the subsidy:

The maximum amount of subsidy to be provided by the Instituto de Fomento to a beneficiary will be 100% of the approved eligible costs and may not exceed:

- 575,000 per beneficiary for Modality 1.

- 70,000 per beneficiary for Modality 2.

Submission and deadline:

Interested parties must send their application to the Presidency of the Instituto de Fomento by submitting applications and complementary documentation electronically, in accordance with the model that can be found at the Internet address:

The grant application form is available in the standard forms provided at the address: and may be submitted during a period of two months, starting at 9 a.m. on the day after the publication of the extract of the call for applications in the BORM, and until midnight on the last day of this period.

Further information here


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