4386 Extract from the Resolution of 15 June 2021 of the President of the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia for the granting of loans for the expansion of innovative companies or companies with innovative projects. Expansion Line...
Financial support through loans to innovative companies, with innovative projects or projects that involve an improvement in the competitive position to promote the growth and consolidation of these companies, as a measure to promote economic development and job creation. The operations are financed under the agreement established between the Instituto de Fomento de la Región Murcia and the Instituto de Crédito y Finanzas de la Región de Murcia with funds from the European Investment Bank and the Instituto de Crédito y Finanzas de la Región de Murcia.
SMEs in the Region of Murcia that take the form of commercial companies.
Object :
- Acquisition, renovation or extension of tangible assets (excluding land).
- Intangible assets which may include software applications, industrial property acquisitions and development costs (the sum of tangible and intangible assets shall be a maximum of 25% of the bankable project).
- Stable working capital requirements to fund obligations arising from its business cycle (such as raw materials and other manufacturing inputs, labour, inventory and overhead costs, and funds to finance trade receivables).
Repayable loans from EUR 50,000 up to EUR 300,000, with interest rate subsidy on a fixed-rate basis. minimis.
Submission and deadline. Interested parties should address their application to the Presidency of the INFO by telematic presentation of applications and complementary documentation, in accordance with the model that can be found in the loans section of the Internet address: