To support SMEs in the Region of Murcia in obtaining financing, via loans and credits, aimed at carrying out investments aimed at the creation of a new establishment, the expansion of an existing establishment, or the diversification of the production of an establishment into new additional products or a fundamental change in the overall production process of an existing establishment, or the diversification of the production of an establishment into new additional products or a fundamental change in the global production process of an existing establishment and in general any investment project that involves growth and competitive improvement of the company, by subsidising the costs of guarantees granted by Mutual Guarantee Societies, Financial Entities or Insurance Entities authorised by the Directorate General of Insurance.
The subsidy for subsidising the cost of the guarantee established in the guarantee contract between the beneficiary and the Guarantor Entity with a maximum of 0.75% per year on the outstanding annual balance of each year and up to the maximum term of the guarantee, with the limit of the first fifteen annual repayments of the guaranteed loan operation. In any case, the maximum amount of the subsidy that a beneficiary may obtain per call may not exceed 50,000 Euros for companies whose main activity is included in section C of the CNAE 2009: Manufacturing industries and 30,000 Euros for the rest of activities.
Deadline 28/06/2019