The action of atmospheric agents on roads results in the degradation of the asphalt with which they were built. Solar radiation or humidity can generate cracks and deformations which weaken the pavement, generating potentially dangerous situations or, at the very least, discomfort or dissatisfaction among users.
On the other hand, road traffic, especially if it has a high rate of heavy vehicles, also generates defects in the pavement, such as potholes or cracks. The possibility of the appearance of these defects and their severity is increased when the intensity of traffic is significantly higher than that which was considered when the road was designed, which is often the case when urban or industrial developments are carried out with access to existing roads.
In order to guarantee the good condition of the road network, pavement maintenance actions are carried out, such as the screeding of the road surface with one or more layers of bituminous mix or the milling of the pavement in areas with deeper damage in order to subsequently resurface that point. In this way, the comfort and safety of the problematic sections is restored.
However, the comfort and safety of a road does not only depend on the condition of the road surface. Aspects such as correct vertical and horizontal signage, lighting in conflictive sections or accesses, placement or replacement of protective elements, or replacement of structural elements increase the safety of users and their feeling of comfort, thus complementing maintenance at the structural level.
An example of this type of complete maintenance work is the improvement of the La Manga expressway (RM-12), where the road surface is being reinforced over a length of more than 8 kilometres. This reinforcement has consisted of the road surface being raised with two layers of agglomerate, requiring milling at some points. Likewise, the repainting of the horizontal signalling, the reinforcement of the bionda barrier, the protection of the berms with concrete and the replacement of joints in bridges on the sections of the road are activities that have completed the upgrading of the expressway.
At CTCON we work with road maintenance and conservation companies, seeking to ensure that the actions they carry out guarantee the safety and comfort of users through innovative solutions.
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