January 10, 2022

Public aid for public-private collaboration projects under the State Programme to Promote Scientific and Technical Research and its Transfer.


The purpose of the aid covered by these bases is to advance in the incorporation of knowledge and scientific-technical results that allow the validation and pre-competitive development of new technologies, products and services, creating the appropriate context that stimulates the generation of a critical mass in R&D&I of an interdisciplinary nature for its application, transfer, search for solutions and generation of results both in the technological and innovation trajectories of companies and in the market.

Convening body:

Ministry of Science and Innovation. Next Generation Funds.


a) Public research bodies as defined in Article 47 of Law 14/2011 of 1 June.

b) Public universities and their university institutes, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities, which are registered in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees, created by Royal Decree 1509/2008, of 12 September, which regulates the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees.

c) Health research institutes accredited in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 279/2016, of 24 June, on the accreditation of biomedical or health research institutes and complementary regulations.

d) Other public R&D&I centres, with their own legal personality, which in their statutes or in the regulations governing them or in their corporate purpose have R&D&I as their main activity.

 e) State-level Technology Centres and State-level Technological Innovation Support Centres that are included in the register of centres created by Royal Decree 2093/2008, of 19 December, which regulates Technology Centres and State-level Technological Innovation Support Centres and creates the Register of such Centres.

f) Private universities with proven R&D&I capacity and activity.

g) Private R&D&I centres, with their own legal personality and non-profit-making status, which have R&D&I as their main activity defined in their statutes or in the regulations governing them or in their corporate purpose.

(h) undertakings, meaning any commercial company, irrespective of its legal form, which habitually carries on an economic activity directed towards the market.

(i) Sectoral business associations

The R&D centres referred to in the fourteenth additional provision of Law 14/2011, of 1 June, and the public R&D&I centres for agricultural or food research dependent on the Autonomous Communities integrated in the INIA-CCAA system may be beneficiary entities.

Characteristics of the projects

Projects supported under this call will be experimental development projects in effective collaboration between several beneficiary organisations.

The projects submitted must meet the following requirements:

- Projects supported under this call will be experimental development projects in effective collaboration between several beneficiary organisations.

- The projects submitted must meet the following requirements:

- The minimum budget for the project shall be EUR 400,000.

- Projects will have a duration of three years and will start on the date indicated in the application. In any case, the start date must be after the deadline for submission of applications and must be during the year 2022.

- The representative of the group of entities submitting the project must be a company.

- The project must involve at least two entities, one of which must be a public or private research organisation.

- The minimum participation per entity shall be 10 % of the total project budget. To become a participant in the consortium, a budget must be submitted and a grant application must be made.

- The sum of the business participation percentages must be at least 51 % of the total budget submitted, with no entity alone accounting for more than 70 % of the total budget submitted.

Research organisations shall have the right to publish the results of research projects, provided that they derive directly from research carried out by them.

Projects may not involve activities that directly or indirectly cause significant harm to the environment "DNSH principle".

Amount of aid

(a) Public sector entities will receive support in the form of grants.

(b) Private research organisations, as referred to in Article 5(1)(f) and (g), shall receive support in the form of a grant.

(c) Private sector enterprises may obtain aid only in the form of a loan, subject to the exception set out in the following paragraph. The maximum amount of the loan may cover up to 95 % of the costs financed by a loan to the entity.

The maximum aid intensity for undertakings, fixed in accordance with Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 651/2014, will depend on their size:

(a) For small enterprises, as defined in paragraph 11 of Annex II to this Order, the maximum aid intensity will be 60 %.

(b) For medium-sized enterprises, as defined in paragraph 12 of Annex II to this Order, the maximum aid intensity will be 50 %.

(c) For large enterprises, as defined in paragraph 14 of Annex II to this Order, the maximum aid intensity will be 40 %

The loans shall have the following characteristics:

(a) Interest rate: for the calculation of the interest rate at which the loan is granted, the one-year Euribor published by the Bank of Spain on the same day of the month preceding the month in which the call for applications is published, or, where applicable, the first following working day, shall be used as a reference. If this is negative, the applicable interest rate shall be 0 %.

b) Fixed grace period: 3 years.

c) Maximum repayment period: 7 years.

(d) Maximum repayment term: 10 years


The maximum amount earmarked to finance this call is 375,000,000 euros, of which 150,000,000 euros in the form of a grant and 225,000,000 euros in the form of a loan.

Deadline for submission of applications:

From 19 January 2022 and ends on 9 February 2022 at 14:00 hours (Spanish peninsular time).

Further information

Bases Convocatoria BOE


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