December 21, 2024

Innovation in sustainable pavements: BIOREPAV project transforms waste into advanced materials

Aim of the project

The BIOREPAV project, a pioneering initiative developed in the Region of Murcia, has achieved important advances in the sustainability of pavement manufacturing, through the integration of bio-materials obtained from the revalorisation of waste. This approach aims to reduce the consumption of natural resources in the production of bituminous mixtures, a key component in road construction.

Main results and technological developments

The study, focused on identifying high-potential waste in the Region of Murcia, has resulted in innovative solutions in the form of bio-additives and artificial aggregates. Among the main conclusions are the following:

Essential aggregates for asphalt mixes:

  1. The synthesised aggregates represent between 90% and 95% of the asphalt mixes and are essential to resist traffic loads.
  2. RAP has demonstrated outstanding performance for heavy duty wearing course applications.
  3. Steel slag has been used in the manufacture of SMA mixtures, making them more durable and resistant.

Development of innovative bio-additives:

Forestry and agricultural cellulosic residues as well as rubber particles from end-of-life tyres (ELTs) have been studied.

-Although some additives proved unsuitable, the progress achieved opens up new possibilities to improve the rheological behaviour and increase the sustainability of the final product.

Impact and prospects

BIOREPAV represents a milestone in the transition towards more sustainable construction methods, marking a significant advance over traditional practices. By harnessing recycled and bio-additive materials, this project not only reduces dependence on natural resources, but also promotes the circular economy and innovation in the road infrastructure sector.

These results lay the foundation for future research and practical applications to enhance sustainability in the pavement industry, responding to today's environmental and functional challenges.

This Project/Programme is financed up to 80% with resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) allocated to the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia under the Global Grant by Commission Decision C (2015)3408, approving the Operational Programme for Community intervention ERDF 2014-2020 under the Investment for growth and jobs objective, in the Autonomous Community of Murcia, as a Qualified Region in transition.