June 28, 2023

Webinar on retrofitting buildings with the EnerPHit standard to achieve near-zero energy consumption

Aim of the project

During this webinar, various speakers will present the Passivhaus Institute's approach through its official certification for the energy renovation of existing buildings, Enerphit, to achieve nearly zero energy buildings and at the same time outline a strategy for the decarbonisation of the building stock.

To attend the webinar it is necessary to register in advance by clicking here. link.

Webinar content

The webinar will provide answers about certification under the Passivhaus standard for an existing building, the design strategies in retrofitting to meet the Enerphit criteria, the criteria that a retrofitting project must meet to achieve the Enerphit Certificate, as well as the main differences between the Technical Building Code and the Passivhaus standard in retrofitting projects.

The company Siberone of the organisers of the meeting, will be in charge of the opening and presentation of the speakers at the beginning of the webinar. This will be followed by a discussion on the Enerphit Seal in Energy Retrofitting, best practices in Enerphit retrofitting and design strategies under the Passivhaus standard.

The webinar will continue with two presentations on opaque envelope, insulation and thermal bridge-free design, airtightness and vapour diffusion control, and will end with Siber's efficient ventilation.