Coinciding with 1TP5EarthDay, the LIFE HEATLAND project is organising this virtual conference to focus on the three most important climate challenges facing cities: rising temperatures, flooding and air pollution, which will be addressed from the perspective of three projects co-funded by the European Union, which is committed to a sustainable and healthy future.
22 April
10:00 Welcome.
José Hernández, President of the Regional Federation of Construction Entrepreneurs FRECOM
Juan González Mellizo, Policy Analyst at the Representation of the European Commission in Spain
10:30 The importance of the ground we walk on: What is the Heat Island Effect and how to combat it? LIFE HEATLAND project.
Francisco Moral, Head of Energy and Insulation at CTCON.
11:00 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, an ecological solution to torrential rains. LIFE DrainRain project.
Saínza Arufe, researcher in the ECO BIO Technologies area of the CETIM Technology Centre.
11:30 The renaturalisation of urban spaces: nature-based solutions in Valladolid. URBAN GreenUP Project.
Alicia Villazán, Innovation and Economic Development Agency of Valladolid City Council.
12:00 Colloquium
12:15 Closure
Moderator: Teresa Allepuz, Manager of Europe Direct Murcia Region.
Webinar registration