June 28, 2023

Workshops: Preparing our cities for climate challenges and improving quality of life. The role of the European Union as a promoter of climate change.

Aim of the project

Coinciding with 1TP5EarthDay, the LIFE HEATLAND project is organising this virtual conference to focus on the three most important climate challenges facing cities: rising temperatures, flooding and air pollution, which will be addressed from the perspective of three projects co-funded by the European Union, which is committed to a sustainable and healthy future.

22 April

10:00  Welcome.

José Hernández, President of the Regional Federation of Construction Entrepreneurs FRECOM

Juan González Mellizo, Policy Analyst at the Representation of the European Commission in Spain

10:30  The importance of the ground we walk on: What is the Heat Island Effect and how to combat it? LIFE HEATLAND project.

Francisco Moral, Head of Energy and Insulation at CTCON.

11:00 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, an ecological solution to torrential rains. LIFE DrainRain project.

Saínza Arufe, researcher in the ECO BIO Technologies area of the CETIM Technology Centre.

11:30 The renaturalisation of urban spaces: nature-based solutions in Valladolid. URBAN GreenUP Project.

Alicia Villazán, Innovation and Economic Development Agency of Valladolid City Council.

12:00 Colloquium

12:15 Closure

Moderator: Teresa Allepuz, Manager of Europe Direct Murcia Region.

Webinar registration