June 28, 2023

#EconomiaCircular Innovation Course,

Aim of the project

Cost of the course 150€.
Cost for Ptec members 75€.
Date: 21 February and venue to be confirmed.

The circular economy is characterised by being regenerative by design, seeking to ensure that all products and materials maintain their maximum usefulness at all times.
It presents numerous opportunities for organisations:
- Reduction of input costs (e.g. by using returned materials instead of raw materials) and new revenue streams (e.g. by offering the product as a service, PaaS).
- Increased security of supply and reduced exposure to price volatility
- New business opportunities: reverse logistics, reconditioning, collaborative platforms, etc.
- Closer proximity to the user and availability of information on usage

The EU presented in 2018 a circular economy package incentivising manufacturers to put more sustainable products on the market and support collection and recycling schemes.
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is, with 25-30% of the total, the second largest waste in the EU. Legislation stipulates that by 2020 at least 70% should be subject to recovery and reuse processes.

Delivered by: Manuel Aguirre of Sostinendo


Participants understand the fundamentals of the circular economy and apply them to their own business models.


Primarily (but not only) professionals in the areas of innovation, sustainability, product/service development or strategy.


This is an eminently practical workshop (2/3), accompanied by theoretical or methodological introductions (1/3) according to the following structure:

economics course