URDECON Constructionswith the support of CTCON, has started working on the ECOPAH projectwhose objective is the development of eco-efficient fibre-reinforced concrete panels with sound-absorbing properties. Specifically, in recent months, progress has been made in defining the geometry of the panels to be developed, the technical requirements of the concrete, and the selection and characterisation of raw materials.
The project aims to explore various strategies for the eco-efficient production of a concrete from ultra-high resistancevery durable, recyclable and with self-healing capacity. In addition, this concrete will be used to form low thicknesseasy to handle and reuseThe surface will be given a variety of finishes to make it sound-absorbent.
Constructions URDECON S.A. is an established company in the Spanish Levante region within the construction industrydedicated to the execution of civil works, building, rehabilitation and improvement of existing infrastructures, buildings, cultural and environmental heritage in all types of public and private works. Research, development and innovation have been linked to Construcciones URDECON S.A. since its inception, being immersed in various research projects that contribute to the development of the company. circular economy and to make the construction sector more respectful of the environment. environment. Some examples of projects they have previously worked on, also with CTCON support, are the following: HEALTHY BUILDING, REINCE, VALORISE, ECOCEM. The company has been recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with the seal of INNOVATIVE SME.
This project is funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).