June 28, 2023


Aim of the project



Research and development of new prefabricated products based on low carbon footprint raw materials "REPREF".

The construction sector has a high environmental impact due to the large volumes of natural resources it manages. For this reason, this sector is a fundamental pillar on the path towards a circular and sustainable economy and, increasingly, research is being carried out into new techniques for the use of industrial waste for its recovery.

The overall objective of the project "REPREF". is the development of new alkaline cements using high waste rates for the manufacture of precast concrete. Their properties will be evaluated from a technical and environmental point of view. It is expected that the percentage of waste used in this application can be increased compared to previous research.

In recent years, some research has been carried out that shows from a technical point of view that the use of Construction and Demolition Waste (C&DW) for the manufacture of non-structural precast concrete is feasible. However, it is necessary to study its environmental impact to ensure that its use does not generate any environmental risk.

The use of this waste in high added-value applications brings environmental and economic benefits, as the cost of manufacturing a geopolymer from this waste is lower than that of conventional cement. On the other hand, the use of waste that is destined for landfill leads to the evolution towards a circular and more sustainable economy, reducing CO2 emissions and reducing the consumption of natural resources.

This project is financed through a grant from the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia aimed at the Technological Centres of the Region of Murcia, Modality 1: Independent R&D Projects, co-financed at 80% by the ERDF global grant.