Among other data, the document analyses Spain's global position with respect to the Circular Economy in Europe (quantitative assessment and rankings based on the battery of indicators and topics selected by the European Commission/Eurostat) and which countries have a more or less circular economy.
It also offers a detailed analysis of recycling in general in our country (total waste, electronic waste, construction and demolition waste, automobiles, batteries...), as well as information on municipal waste management and recycling (packaging, organic waste, food waste, landfills...).
In addition, the study provides data on private capital participation in sectors related to the circular economy and the effects of the circular economy on employment, on the increase of value added in the economy, on R&D and on related patents.
Some thirty indicators
For the qualitative assessment of the Spanish situation, 30 indicators are used, divided into 5 blocks of analysis: productivity in the use of waste; production and consumption; waste management; secondary raw materials; and competitiveness and innovation.