A Spanish SME, whose employees are mostly mechanical, electronic and energy engineers, works in the solar energy sector and is strongly focused on research and development. Based on its multidisciplinary team and the synergies between the different business lines, the company is able to cover all steps of a solar project, from the engineering project to the physical installation.
The company, which was originally structured around manufacturing, installations and engineering projects, now focuses on research and innovation projects, mainly in the development of solar photovoltaic thermal panels (PVT).
As a result of the R&D carried out in this line, the company has designed and developed a second-generation PVT panel capable of producing thermal and electrical energy in the same module with a higher thermal performance than that of direct competitors. This improved performance is due to the use of TIC (transparent insulating cover) technology, an innovative covering system already patented by the company that maximises thermal efficiency at high temperatures. This type of panel produces up to 40% more energy for a given area than conventional solar solutions: photovoltaic modules + thermal collector. Based on this, it is especially recommended for locations with space limitations or applications where high water consumption is required. Examples of ideal applications are hotels, spas, hospitals or industries with low water temperature requirements in their processes. The combination of PVT modules with other energy technologies, such as heat pumps or absorption units, is also a promising line to provide heating and cooling solutions in the field of residential buildings.
The company is currently looking for partners interested in this technology. They want to improve and optimise the technology offered under a commercial agreement with technical assistance, technical cooperation agreement and/or research cooperation agreement. The company is also open to join European projects.