At CTCON we are aware that the construction industry has a significant digital transformation road ahead of it in the coming years. The efficiency and competitiveness of this industry depends to a large extent on our being able to implement digital processes in more and more aspects of our value chain. To help the sector in this priority objective, at CTCON we have a Digital Construction area that works in the areas most in demand by society and our companies.

Lines of R&D&I

BIM is not just a technology, but a new work philosophy based on having the richest possible digital models of our construction projects. BIM opens the door to a scenario with a multitude of research projects for new uses and the development of shared information systems that allow us to measure, simulate, compare and decide in a virtual environment that is a faithful reflection of present or future reality.

At CTCON we work in the implementation and communication with devices that allow us to know the most relevant information of any type of asset in a built environment. In the case of infrastructures, their status and evolution. In the case of machinery, its operating point. And also, to enhance the safety of people in a dangerous environment, with wearable devices.

Data, obtained by any means, is only useful once it has been converted into information and knowledge. At CTCON we promote obtaining value from the data that processes, companies and assets offer us through appropriate processing and exploitation.

People spend most of our time in buildings. Controlling the healthiness of indoor spaces with increasingly advanced systems for controlling air quality, emissions, influx of people, monitoring services, etc. is an area of work that we at CTCON consider very important.

We work to create digital twins of the built environment as a means of developing new technological capabilities in the sector. We apply digitalisation to the improvement of construction processes, the control of deviations, the conservation of buildings and heritage or the obtaining of virtual models within which to create an endless number of new uses.