June 28, 2023

Dutch company in sustainable infrastructure construction is looking for commercial agency agreements.

Aim of the project

The Dutch company has been active for 22 years in more than 40 countries, the company has successfully demonstrated its ability to provide infrastructure constructions and environmental solutions with its products and technology. It operates worldwide with a network of distributors who have proven professionalism, reliability and familiarity with the particular fields of operation. 

The products are produced in the Netherlands, as a fine powder, made of a special composition of synthetic zeolites and alkaline earth metals combined with activators which are used on site in combination with cement. 

The innovative aspect of the products is based on Nano technology, with which the products have been developed as an additive to chemically modify cement-bound materials, germinating a proven crystalline structure on a Nano scale. 

For infrastructure constructions, this creates a very dense, strong and impermeable construction with high bearing and bending capacities, thus eliminating the need for reinforcement and construction joints. In terms of immobilisation works, the crystalline structure ensures that toxic elements are captured within the crystalline matrix, thus ensuring that they will no longer leach out.

The combination of compressive and flexural strengths on the one hand and impermeability on the other is at the heart of the technology that distinguishes the products from all other stabilisation products available on the international market to date. 

The advantages of the products are confirmed by independent international organisations, universities and engineering consultants.