This conference, which was scheduled for 10 March 2020, has been postponed for 6 months, to 10 September 2020. It will be held as a mixed Digital Day, with some live sessions, given the scarce guarantees of development in the conventional model.
A decade of the "Jornadas de Ensayos" confirms this event as the benchmark for technicians in Spain in the field of asphalt paving. In addition to giving space to the free communications produced in the sector, a central theme is included, which on this occasion was: SMA mixes. Its recent incorporation into Spanish regulations by means of Circular Order 03/2019 of the General Directorate of Roads, greatly facilitates its regular use on construction sites.
This family of mixtures has been used in the European market for more than four decades. For the first time, the Testing Day will have an "afternoon session" which, in order to attract the attention of the public, will have an interactive workshop format, in which speakers and attendees will be able to analyse and debate the topics included in the programme.
The registration fee for Asefma members is free of charge, thanks to the sponsorship of Rettenmaier Ibérica. It is also free of charge for civil servants from public road administrations and universities.