News 04/02/2022

Course on concrete structures according to the EC (Structural Code)


On 10-8-2021, ROYAL DECREE 470/2021, of 29 June, approving the Structural Code was published.

The new Structural Code that is approved is of an eminently technical nature and adopts a performance approach, in line with that used in other instructions and codes, such as the Technical Building Code, approved by Royal Decree 314/2006, of March 17, or the Instructions EHE-08 and EAE that are repealed by the approval of this royal decree,  this makes it possible not to limit the range of possible solutions and encourages the use of new products and innovative techniques.

In this course we will address the modifications that affect the part of concrete structures.


Technicians related to the calculation of concrete structures that require additional training of this structural part of the EC


Presentation of the EC: amendments introduced by Royal Decree 470/2021, general bases and parts and annexes relating to concrete structures.

Presentation of the most relevant and innovative aspects of this new code in terms of concrete structures.

Description and application of the methods of design and calculation of concrete sections and elements according to the EC.

Specifications of execution and quality control in concrete structures.



Mar 15-Feb. Introduction. Basic materials. Armor. Properties of concrete Durability.

Fri 18-Feb. Calculation bases. Actions. Single or compound bending ELU.

Sat 19-Feb. Shear stress ELU. 2nd order effects with axil effort (pillars). Cracking ELS.

Mar 22-Feb. ELS of deformations.

Fri 25-Feb. Foundation and containment elements.

Sat 26-Feb. Seismic zones. Execution


Antonio Tomás Espín, Dr. Civil Engineer, CC. and PP. Professor of Construction Engineering, UPCT. Professor of the subjects Metallic Structures (Degree in Civil Engineering) and Professor of "Construction in Concrete" at the E.T.S. of Civil Engineering, CC. and PP., UPCT

DATES  : 15, 18, 19, 22, 25 and 26 February 2022

SCHEDULE: Tuesday from 18:00 to 20:00 h, Friday from 17:00 to 20:00 h, and Saturdays from 09:00 to 12:00 hours.

TYPE: Face-to-face

PLACE: Face-to-face-virtual classroom. Connection by videoconference.



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