News 24/12/2021

First report on the state of sustainable building in Spain

Green Building  Council Spain (GBCe)has presented this Thursday, December 16, the  GBCe Country Report  2021,the first open document that analyzes the current state of the building sector  and its  advances in the transformation towards a sustainable model. 

Among the conclusions of the report is that the number of voluntary environmental certifications issued  are a direct and simple indicator to measure if there is demand for  sustainability in the building. In this sense,  Spain began the XXI century with practically no demand for buildings certified with national or international sustainability seals, such as Verde. Despite this, and although in recent years there has been a boom in the sector,  currently less than 0.1% of all buildings built or rehabilitated have some type of certification.

The Country Report aims to organize and structure the work for the coming years,trying to get the actions right to stimulate and activate more demand, essential to provoke a more accelerated transformation of the sector. In this line,  GBCe  has drawn a framework of action subject to  five levers to achieve change in the demands of buildings and cities:   communication, training,  regulation,  financing  and  innovation. All these levers complement and are needed to achieve the objectives of the study.

On the one hand, communication reinforces the other four,while funding is necessary for innovation and has to accompany regulation. In addition,  training  is the basis for the others to have a large-scale effect. On the other hand, innovation needs regulatory certainty and communication to be known and, finally, regulation without a formed society or a sector without the capacity to finance itself is a dead letter.


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