News 27/02/2024

Vertical gardens for the renaturalization of cities

Vertical gardens on building facades represent an innovative solution to increase greenery in densely populated urban environments. In the case of vertical gardens for the naturalization of the M-30, as explained by Lantania's Chief of Construction, María del Prado Rodríguez García, vertical gardens were implemented along 415 linear meters and a surface area of 3200 m². This approach not only contributes to urban aesthetics but also offers significant environmental benefits, including reducing the heat island effect, improving air quality, and absorbing CO2.


To ensure the viability and safety of this installation, existing walls were respected, corrosion inhibitors were used during preparation, and a structural recalculation was carried out to ensure their integrity. Walls were cleaned of impurities using special high-pressure water cleaning equipment, cracks were repaired, and corrosion inhibitors were applied. Additionally, corrosion rate determinations were made, and a continuous monitoring system was implemented.


Plants were arranged on hinged center modules, opting for a semi-hydroponic system for cultivation. The selection of plant species took into account factors such as climate, durability, and availability, with plants acquired from the Netherlands due to their large number and landscape quality.


For irrigation, multiple horizontal lines were installed, and a weather station was incorporated to monitor environmental and pollutant parameters, comparing data with other areas of the city. A comprehensive study of the metabolic capacities of plant species was conducted, evaluating their effectiveness in absorbing atmospheric pollutants in a controlled environment.


Corrosion sensors were also placed on the concrete to detect and prevent possible structural damage. This multidisciplinary approach, combining aspects of architecture, structural engineering, horticulture, and environmental sciences, ensures the effectiveness and safety of vertical gardens on walls and building facades, establishing them as a sustainable and aesthetically appealing solution for modern urban environments.


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