News 18/07/2024

It has been published the Order of July 12, 2024 of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Business, which regulates the bases for the granting of publi

The order that regulates the bases for the granting of public aid to finance public-private cooperation projects has been published by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Business of the Region of Murcia. These grants aim to promote technology transfer and innovation within the framework of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart and Sustainable Specialization of the Region of Murcia for the period 2021-2027. Below is a summary of the most important points.

Aid Intensity and Maximum Subsidy Amount

The maximum amount of the subsidy can reach up to 250,000 euros per beneficiary, project and call. The maximum aid intensities vary depending on the size of the company:

Small businesses: Up to 45% of eligible costs.
Medium-sized companies: Up to 35% of eligible costs.
Large companies: Up to 25% of eligible costs.
These increases can be increased by 15 points if the project involves effective collaboration with research and knowledge dissemination organizations, provided that they assume at least 10% of the eligible costs and have the right to publish the results of their research.
Types of Eligible Projects

Projects must be experimental development, defined as the acquisition, combination, configuration and use of existing knowledge and techniques to develop new or improved products, processes or services. This includes prototyping, demonstrations and pilot projects in real environments.

Requirements of Public-Private Cooperation Projects

Nature and Types: Projects presented by groups of innovative entities, with at least one public and one private entity. No entity may execute more than 70% of the eligible project costs.
Areas of Focus: They must be aligned with the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent and Sustainable Specialization of the Region of Murcia (RIS4 Region of Murcia) for the period 2021-2027, and included in the Region of Murcia ERDF Program 2021-2027 .
Effective Collaboration: Cooperation must be formally agreed and reflected in the Cooperation Agreement and in the Report submitted together with the application​​.
Eligible Expenses

The aid will cover expenses directly related to the activity that is the subject of the subsidy. Eligible costs include:

Actual gross salary costs of the personnel who carry out tasks in the project.
Direct costs of project execution, as long as they are justified and comply with the regulations on late payment in commercial operations​​.
Justification and Verification

The beneficiary must justify and prove the completion of the subsidized action within a maximum period of three months from the end of the project. The justification must comply with community and national regulations relating to the management and execution of the ERDF.


Subsidies may not be accumulated with other aid that exceeds the maximum intensities established for the same eligible costs. Furthermore, they cannot be combined with de minimis aid if this means exceeding the maximum aid intensity allowed.

This order provides a detailed and structured framework so that companies in the construction sector in Murcia can access aid for R&D projects, promoting innovation and public-private cooperation, which is essential for the development and improvement of competitiveness in the sector.


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